Transantiago Before and After 17:52

I have to admit that i dont really know much about the transantiago and the pre-Transantiago system, because I live in Paine and when we had to go to santiago we went in the car, so i never used the pre-Transantiago system, but a few times i used the Transantiago but I didn't like it, always it's so full, smells, and it's dirty, the worse thing is that i'm a bit clumsy so i have to hold on tight otherwise I can probably fall and that would be so embarrasing.
one of the best thing of the transantiago is that thieves can`t steal the money because of the BIP system, i guess that there are more whereabouts, and i think i heard that transantiago produce less pollution, and for me that i go on my car, it's much more less stressful, i think that's all that I can say about transantiago, i know isn't much but..well, regards :D

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Miss dijo...

I have to admit that i dont really know much about the transantiago and the pre-Transantiago system, because I live in Paine and when we had to go to santiago we went in the car, so i never used the pre-Transantiago system, but a few times i used the Transantiago but I didn't like it, always it's so full, smells, and it's dirty, the worse thing is that i'm a bit clumsy so i have to hold on tight otherwise I can probably fall and that would be so embarrasing.
one of the best thing of the transantiago is that thieves can`t steal the money because of the BIP system, i guess that there are more whereabouts, and i think i heard that transantiago produce less pollution, and for me that i go on my car, it's much more less stressful, i think that's all that I can say about transantiago, i know isn't much but..well, regards :D

i agree it was quite smelly before but what about now?

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