The country I would like to visit 17:36

The country that i definitly would like to visit is England
Well, actually when I was a child I went to this country with my parents, but I had 6 years old so I can barely remember that experience, I don't really know why, but I LOVE everything about that country, the culture, the people, the lenguage, the monasteries, the buildings, the acent, i think that there are so many history, so many things happening there, you could say.."yeah but that happens in Europe" but I don't think so, i mean, 4 years ago I went to Italy, France and Spain and is not the same, every place have his special magic and I think the one that England have is the best, you can see it in the movies, or the bands that came from England, they are so special that you can't fight them.
I remember when I was there i was so shocked because of the sides in the car, the driver was on the other side, we stayed in the house of my father's friends, and was so great because they had childs of my age, and i was like a toy to them.
the places that I would love to visit again could be the palace of westminster, the river thames, Gales, crambridge, Bedford, York, Big Ben tower, and so many places that I really wanna visit, the last year i was thinking of going on a exchange to England, but it's so complicated because of the University, i can't just drop it and go, I have to think about it, but well, I hope that one day I could be able to back to that awesome country and hopefully now remember that.

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Miss dijo...

The country that i definitly would like to visit is England
Well, actually when I was a child I went to this country with my parents, but I WW had 6 years old so I can barely remember that experience, I don't really know why, but I LOVE everything about that country, the culture, the people, the lenguage, the monasteries, the buildings, the SP acent, i think that there are so many history, so many things happening there, you could say.."yeah but that happens in Europe" but I don't think so, i mean, 4 years ago I went to Italy, France and Spain and is not the same, every place have his special magic and I think the one that England SVA have is the best, you can see it in the movies, or the bands that came from England, they are so special that you can't fight them.
I remember when I was there i was so shocked because of the sides in the car, the driver was on the other side, we stayed in the house of my father's friends, and was so great because they had childs of my age, and i was like a toy to them.
the places that I would love to visit again could be the palace of CAPS westminster, the river thames, Gales, crambridge, Bedford, York, Big Ben tower, and so many places that I really wanna visit, the last year i was thinking of going on a exchange to England, but it's so complicated because of the University, i can't just drop it and go, I have to think about it, but well, I hope that one day I could be able to back to that awesome country and hopefully now remember that.

Well done ROmi, i'm sure you 'll love it!

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