My Favourite animal. 16:59

My favourite's a bit difficult for me to decide because I really love a lot of different animal, like the wildcat, hedgehog, and the wolf, but i just love them because I think that they are really beautiful, and know I have to write about an animal that I i'm gonna write about the closer animal to wolfs, his descendant, his "pet" version, the Dog.
Now I have 9 dogs, i started with 4, then i founded a little female dog, I adopt her, and of cuorse she got pregnant and she gave birth 7 puppys, now my house it's a mess because they act like a real pack, so when someone unknown for them comes, they just bark all the time, and at the same time, some of them bites sometimes, specially the little ones and the mixed ones, and I know this could be terrible but sometimes it's funny too because they make plans, they have one alfa male, alfa female, and the submissives, we have more animals in my house like couples of peacock and with dogs it's a real bullying.
I know i just have been writting about my dogs, but that is the reason why I love them, they makes me happy when i come home, they always jump over me, they get in the car and of cuorse they never obey me, but they are always there...moving their tail, and it's so great because whatever happends you know that they will always love you, you just have to feed them, take them to the vet, give them love, and you have a excellent friend, in my case 9 friends, and i know that i have more friends, i have family, but they just have me and each other, so i know that i have to be with them always, and i would love if all the dogs in the world could have the possibility to live lifes like my dogs, and i'll fight for that as long as i can.

4 comentarios:

Constanza dijo...

You cannot love the dogs
I loved the puppy!
So cute

greetings :)

Evelyn dijo...

Uyy Romi I love your dog Martini and all his experiences!!! But I haven't seen him now.
You Give kisses for him to me.
See you tomorrow!!!

Constanza dijo...

I meant: you can't do not love the dogs
they are always adorable.

shame on me

see you, bread

Miss dijo...

My favourite's a bit difficult for me to decide because I really love a lot of different animal, like the wildcat, hedgehog, and the wolf, but i just love them because I think that they are really beautiful, and know I have to write about an animal that I i'm gonna write about the closer animal to WF wolfs, his descendant, his "pet" version, the Dog.
Now I have 9 dogs, i started with 4, then i WW founded a little female dog, I TENSE adopt her, and of cuorse she got pregnant and she gave birth 7 puppys, now my house it's a mess because they act like a real pack, so when someone unknown for them comes, they just bark all the time, and at the same time, some of them bites sometimes, specially the little ones and the mixed ones, and I know this could be terrible but sometimes it's funny too because they make plans, they have one alfa male, alfa female, and the submissives, we have more animals in my house like couples of peacock and with dogs it's a real bullying.
I know i just have been writting about my dogs, but that is the reason why I love them, they SVA makes me happy when i come home, they always jump over me, they get in the car and of cuorse they never obey me, but they are always there...moving their tail, and it's so great because whatever happends you know that they will always love you, you just have to feed them, take them to the vet, give them love, and you have a excellent friend, in my case 9 friends, and i know that i have more friends, i have family, but they just have me and each other, so i know that i have to be with them always, and i would love if all the dogs in the world could have the possibility to live WF lifes like my dogs, and i'll fight for that as long as i can.

I love dogs too, although I don't know if I could cope with so many!
be careful with the plural forms again

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