Improving Faculty Facilities 15:53

i'm re writting this blog, well..i actually have a lot to write about this particular subject, good things.. and bad things, let's start with good things:
It's so great for me.. and for everyone have "green areas" with grass.. trees, this kind of thing allow us be in touch with nature, that have no prize, maybe we have a small faculty, and the resorts are limited, but being able to rest in the grass after a test...or maybe for lunch have no comparision.
"mundo granja" this is soo important for us! we are veterinary student, so we are dedicating our lives to animals, and have the posibility to be close to them, it's awesome because we have so many things to learn! and as a plus.. it's also funny because you see all this dogs playing, even fighting sometimes, certainly isn't something common in an university.
now.. bad things..i just have one complain, and it's about the "almost casino" because isn`t a real casino, it's something like a cafeteria, and they sell lunchs and it's so expensive and don't have a lot of alternatives, like in the faculty of agronomy, and when you have that scholarship to can't buy something to drink.. and also you have to pay more for the "menu", so i think that they should make an effort and try to get the license to be a real casino and reduce the price of the food.
another thing...but the faculty have no fault, it's about the restrooms...they are always so dirty, and it's because the people that use them are's so disgusting, but the people that clean it...they do an excellent job.

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