Myself evaluation of the academic year. 18:11

Myself evaluation of the current academic year...Well, actually this particular subject have a lot of differents points of view, it's really difficult for us, students, teenegers and even adult go trought this career, trought the university in general, because we have this messy life, with all this hormones in our body asking for revolution or at least for some relax and spare time of us, for learning, because this is the time to ruin screw up, because this is the only way to living your own experiences, so do an evaluation about my academic's easy, have a lot of branchs, and particulary situations that affect my academic life.
To begin with this term has been the best one in my university life, the last year, the first term was a mess! because we don't know...a thing, but really.. we are a bit lost in this new world, and we have to have the conviction of what we really want (that must be.. be a good veterinary) if we are's so easy to give up, because in the school, everything it's so easy, we were like protected by our parents, by the school's owners, and now...surprise, we are alone, no one will do the things for you, no one will ask you how are doing, and you realize that you have to study to have a 4, almost and do a party when you have a miserable 4, one good thing is that you learn from this and then it's easier for you to learn.
So with all this experiencience from the last year, now... i knew how to do the things, i had to organize myself, I tried to study everyday, and I didn't let external thing influence me, because I lived that...the last year and the only thing that you learn, is that you can't deal with everything and in a moment you'll explote and everything will be ruin, so this term was so good, also because I knew who my friends are, and we have such a good time together, and academically i'm better now.
The university experience has more good things than bad things, with my friends we always talk about...if we will have childrens, we HAVE the obligation of...tell them our historys, is not all about study, we are young and hopefully we will have a lot of time to do whatever we want, to go to different places, and of cuorse have our own veterinary, the good part is that the university opens a lot of new doors, and you have to have the ability to choose the right ones, and in that way you have to build your life, when you heard people saying that this is the best time of our lifes... i think that they are right.

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