challenges in my discipline 16:47

the challenges in my discipline, veterinary, are huge.. because in our country veterinary it's so poor, people usually don't appreciate this career, and always says like..." are studying veterinary.. that's sweet", and they don't know that we have to study tons and tons of subjects, it's the same that human medicine...but even worse because we have to known everything about.. at least 4 species.
speaking about technology, here we have comparision to USA, here when a bitch is pregnant, to see how many puppys she had inside, the veterinarys take X rays, and that it's so dangerous to the puppys, but here, no one will pay for an ultrasound scan, i think that... basically we have to find a way to change people's mind, because otherwise we can't improve our technology, if no one wants to pay... isn't business.
one of the most important things it's educate people about their pets... because we are almost the only country that have tons of homeless dogs living in the streets, and isn't just bad and unfair for them, it's also an hygiene problem, because they may have ticks, or any disease that can affect human healthy, and this is because people let their pets have puppys, and then they just throw them, i dont know how someone can do that, but that's why we have to educate people, because if we just keep staring, nothing will change and i think that we are in this career because we wanna make a change in the world.. at least contribute with something.

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